William & David Turner: https://www.turnersculpture.com/
Artist Bio: William H. and David H. Turner, are a father and son team, who has been designing and casting wildlife sculptures in bronze. Established in 1983, Turner Sculpture, near Onley, VA serves as their studios, foundry, and gallery, where most of their work is displayed. Sharing a talent of capturing the beauty and motion of wildlife in bronze, they both grew up and reside near the Eastern Shore of Virginia, which is rich in wildlife and is a continuous source of inspiration for their work.
To date they have created more than 700 different limited-edition bronzes and more than 100 large public commissions found throughout the United States. Ranging in size from life-size mice and wrens to full size bears and dolphins, the Turners have a sculpture to fit the smallest niche in a home or to enhance the entrance of a zoo or museum. Whatever the case, the Turners’ work is a reflection of their deep appreciation and understanding of nature.
Lioness & Cubs (1997) William & David Turner Bronze Anonymous sponsorship
The Lioness and Cubs sculpture presents a simple lesson about animal behavior, the transfer of skills from mother to young. One cub is learning to hunt from its mother; the two in the background are learning about hunting and teamwork through play. The lioness is accessible, offering our young visitors a chance for a close encounter and their parents a photo op.
Courtesy of:
Artist photo and info: https://www.turnersculpture.com/
Zoo and animal photos and info: The North Carolina Zoo, Tamara Hill