Our Mission
The mission of the Randolph Arts Guild is to develop, coordinate, and promote activities for the citizens of Randolph County to educate, foster appreciation, and provide for self-expression of the arts.
The Guild strives to inform the public about the arts, support artists in their endeavors, teach adults and children the techniques needed to improve or enhance their skills in their chosen discipline(s) and to organize community events that educate, illuminate and bring joy to people in all walks of life.
We have made engagement and outreach our focus as we endeavored to promote the arts to more residents of our county while working to strengthen our established partnerships and developing new relationships with organizations and agencies.
Supporting The Arts
The Randolph Arts Guild showcases local artists, connects and builds community, and creates opportunities for everyone. A RAG membership is a great way for artists, artisans, educators and art enthusiasts to tap into valuable resources and annual programming. Review the membership options below to find one that fits you best.
There are several ways to support the arts in our community. Whether your a sponsor, a member, a donor or giving a gift to a memorial or scholarship, your contributions continue to help support artists and artisans of all ages, around Randolph County, NC.
Spec Hoffman
Mike and Vickie Durham
Franklin Wells Jr
Annah Wells
Talmage Baker
Vickie and Mike Durham
Lane Ragsdale
Sara Baker
Helen Keyes
Billie and Carey Durham
Carol Rich
Claudia Ainsworth
Elizabeth Provancha
Healthcare Workers- COVID
Anonymous Donor
Dwight Holland
Vickie and Mike Durham
Roger Spoon
Ellen Howell
Joyce Spoon
Jim Culberson
Barb and Steve Burlingame
Claire and JB Davis
Dr and Mrs Randy Teague
Et and Charlie Hacskyle
Janice and Richard Kite
Joyce Spoon
Katharine and Richard White
Marilyn and Phil Koonce
Nan Craven
Phil Shore and Suzanne Tate
Scottie Michelle
Wendy and Jim Kinlaw
Tony Goldston
Jennifer Ireland
Dana Tennison
Billie and Carey Durham
Lisa Wright
Odell Kivett
Alan Fontaine
Ann and Lloyd Hamlet
Ann and Mac Pugh
Barb and Steve Burlingame
Betty and James Moran
Beverly and Stan Beck
Carey and Billie Durham
Chicora Literary Club (Sandford)
Claire and JB Davis
Cynthia and Keith Tobin
Debbie and Robert Ballard, Marsha
Dr and Mrs Randy Teague
Elaine and Graydon Thomas (Sandford)
Et and Charlie Hacskyle
Grace Blair Moffitt
Horner and Company Dublin Ohio
Janice and Richard Kite
Joyce Spoon
Katharine and Richard White
Lisa Wright
Marilyn and Phil Koonce
Minerva, Joanne and Walker Moffitt
Missy and Sam Rankin
Nan Craven
Pamela Vinson
Phil Shore and Suzanne Tate
Ruth and Roy Cashion (Sandford)
Sally Steele and George Gusler
Sara Baker
Scottie Michelle
Sheila Barnes
Spec and Pearl Hoffman
Vickie and Mike Durham
Vira Kivett and Martitia Kivett Richardson
Wanda and Jerry Bowman
Wendy and Jim Kinlaw
Gloria Jacobi
Ann and Mac Pugh
Anne Presnell
Betty and Charles Lee
Billie and Carey Durham
Camille and William Redding
Carol Rich
Dr and Mrs John Redding
Debra and James Spinks
Et Hacskaylo
Jacqueline Betts
Janet and David Jones
Janice and Rick Kite
Janice Simpson
Joyce Spoon
Linda and Hooker Thomas
Lynn Wildrick
Mickey and Terry Dhatt
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Walker
Robin and Allen Liles
Sara Baker
Scottie Michelle
Susan and Bill Milner
Thurman Paynter
Wendy Kinlaw
Windermere East HOA
Dick Hines
Ann and Bill Hoover Charitable Fund
Billie and Carey Durham
Cookie and Walt Sprouse
David Gaskin
David and Janet Jones
Elizabeth Provancha
Et Hacskaylo
Gene and Pat Holder
Grace Blair Moffitt
Janice and Rick Kite
Janice Simpson
Joyce Spoon
Katherine Thompson
Liz and Steve Grove
Missy and Sam Rankin
Patricia Stitt
Sara Baker
Scottie Michelle
Sheila Barnes
Suzanne Tate and Phil Shore
Vickie and Mike Durham
2021 Donations
Anonymous Donor |
Anne and Mike Honer |
Anne Presnell |
Betsy Hughes |
Camille and Bill Redding |
Carla and GM Shinn |
Charlotte and John Settle |
Christine and Thomas Osteen |
Clarice and Steele Redding |
Jackie and Bob Derr |
Laurie Abela |
Marilyn and Phil Koonce |
Missy and Sam Rankin |
Pat and Howard Burkhart |
Robert Shaffner |
Russell Walker |
2020 Donations
Alan Pugh | David Gaskin | Jamie Burroughs Plumbing | Mr and Mrs Mike Miller |
Ann and Lloyd Hamlet | Dick Hines | Jan and Rob Reese | Norman Grey |
Ann and Mac Pugh | Dot and Bob Walker | Janet and David Jones | Pam and Jimmy Hill |
Ann Thomas | Dr and Mrs Brian Barnett | Janice Kite | Pat and Howard Burkhart |
Anne and Mike Honer | Dr and Mrs Brian Munley | Jeigh Adams | Patricia Pittillo |
Anne Presnell | Dr and Mrs James Rich, Jr | Jimmy Thompson | Peggy and Bob Morrison |
Barb Burlingame | Dr and Mrs John Matkins | John Casper | Representative Pat Hurley |
Barbara Tazewell | Dr and Mrs Lutman | Linda Covington | Rick and Gail Crawford |
Betsy Hughes | Dr Harry Killian | Linda Murphy | Roberta and Lee Gavin |
Bill and Susan Milner | Emma Washington | Lonnie and Michael Keogh | Russell Walker |
Bonnie York | Four Saints | Maggie Hooker | Scottie Michelle |
Brenda Daniel | Garry Thorner | Marcia Rush | Sonja Hole |
Camille and Bill Redding | Grace Blair Moffitt | Maria Morgan | Sue Allender McCullah |
Carla and GM Shinn | Ingrid and Brian Munley | Marion McIntosh | Susan and Charles Swiers |
Carol and Ted Matney | Jack Casper | Martha Crotty | Susan and Gary Jarrett |
Carolyn Isley | Jackie and Bob Derr | Martha Murdoch | Susan Watson |
Charlotte and John Settle | Jacquelyn Betts | Missy and Sam Rankin | Toni Marley |
Christine and Thomas Osteen | James Sink | Mr and Mrs LT Hammond, Jr | Zondra Harris |
Cooper and April Thornton |
In Honor Of
Mike Durham
Hardee Cox
Joyce Spoon, Liz Grove, Sheila Barnes and Grace Moffitt
Janice and Rick Kite
Joyce Spoon, Liz Grove and the Rummage Sale Team
Pat and Gene Holder
Joyce Spoon
Ann and Bill Hoover Charitable Fund
Grace Moffitt, Sheila Barnes, Lisa Wright, Joyce Spoon, Liz Grove, Tamara Hill and Britt Hill
Carey and Billie Durham
Liz Grove, Joyce Spoon and Grace Moffitt
Pat and Gene Holder
Contact Us
The Randolph Arts Guild
123 Sunset Avenue Asheboro, NC 27203
PO Box 1033 Asheboro, NC 27204
Phone: (336) 629-0399 Fax: (336) 629-2892